Monday, August 22, 2011

Alessandra Ambrosio gallery

Alessandra Ambrosio is an American model and celebrity. She was born on 11th April 1981.Her parents were petrol station owners.Since childhood she was fascinated about modeling industry.Her profile looks like this,

Name: Alessandra Ambrosio
Date of birth: 11-04-1981
Height: 5'10"
Shoe size: 9"
Hometown: Erexim,Brazil
current hometown: Newyork,US
First modeling job: Brazilian Elle
Favorite designer: Dolce and Gabana
Favorite movies: stealing beauty,natural born killers,kamasutra
Favorite books: The Da vinci code,Lord of the rings
Favorite beauty product: VS Angel Moisturizer
Favorite passions: sunglasses,music
Favorite music: pearl jam,nirvana,rock,ben harper.

Besides modeling work,Alessandra Ambrosio is the National Ambassador for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.


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